Yesterday - The Past - Interactive Practice
「全てを聞く」をクリックして聞き続きます。会話をすべて理解すた後に、Aさんのボタンをクリックすることによって、Aさんになって、オーディオファイルでBさんの声だけ聞けます。 Aさんの話をリピートできるようにスペースを置いています。Bさんは同じように設定してくだせい。会話のスピードは母語のようです。 あなたにとって各文の間が速過ぎるなら、一時停止のボタンを利用してください。 何度か練習した後に、母国語と同じくらいスピードで話すことができます。
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "What did you do last night?" B: "I met some friends and we had some drinks at a bar." A: "Did you drink a lot?" B: "I got so drunk that I don't remember how I got home." A: "Why did you drink so much?" B: "I was so depressed. I just wanted to forget about everything."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "How was the airplane ride?" B: "It was a twelve hour flight. It was so boring. I tried to sleep but it was too uncomfortable on the plane." A: "How about the movies they play on international flights?" B: "I saw both movies they played. I was just unlucky." A: "Did you take a book with you?" B: "I accidentally packed it with my luggage that I checked in."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "What did you do last weekend?" B: "I went to a party." A: "How was the party?" B: "It was way too crowded and the food was gone before I got there." A: "What time did you get home?" B: "It was pretty boring so I left at ten and got home before eleven."